High-impact organizations of the migration society get to know each other
Vom 17.-18. Juni 2021 fand der erste Workshop von Migration Lab Germany online statt. Begrüßt wurden die etwa 30 Teilnehmenden unter Anderem von der Präsidentin der Stiftung Univerisät Hildesheim, Prof.in. May-Britt Kallenrode, und dem Präsidenten der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Thomas Krüger. Mit den teilnehmenden 15 Partner:innenorganisationen wurde ein Rahmen für Netzwerkarbeit, Austausch, kollegiale Beratung und die Entwicklung von Modellprojekten zum Themenkomplex Migration und Flucht geschaffen.
Transatlantic Partnership: Re-Imagining Migration
A variety of innovative projects: ranging from digital photo exhibitions to online modules for anti-discrimination workshops
Scientists provide impulses for pedagogical and artistic work
The development of the Migration Lab Germany network was accompanied by inputs, panels and lectures with renowned scientists. In addition to the introduction to the topic, different theoretical perspectives on education in the migration society were presented. Together, the following questions were addressed, reflected upon and discussed in a lively manner:
- How should stories of migration be told?
- What does it mean to look at migration from a migration-socialist, postnational-socialist, postcolonial, or postmigrant perspective?
- What conclusions can be drawn from these perspectives for institutional, curatorial, pedagogical practice in schools, museums, memorial sites, theaters, and civic education projects?
In short interviews, the scientific experts are questioned about
The scientific experts were asked in short interviews what thoughts, impulses and ideas they would like to give to pedagogical and artistic practice.
- Prof.in. Dr.in. Iman Attia (Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin): Migrationsgeschichte(n) erzählen
- Prof. Dr. Jannis Panagiotidis (Universität Wien): Migrationsgeschichte(n) erzählen
- Prof. Dr. Paul Mecheril (Universität Bielefeld): Migrationsgesellschaftliche Perspektive
- Prof.in. Dr.in. Astrid Messerschmidt (Bergische Universität Wuppertal): Postnational-sozialistische Perspektiven
- Prof.in. Dr.in. Maria Do Mar Castro Varela (Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin): Postkoloniale Perspektive
- Prof.in. Dr.in. Naika Foroutan (BIM, DeZIM, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin): Postmigrantische Perspektiven