About the Publication
How can organizations leverage diversity as a resource? From 2019, RAA Berlin addressed this question in a project conducted in collaboration with participating organizations and governmental institutions. The project resulted in the identification of six principles, along with developmental fields, that can serve as a framework for organizations to integrate diversity orientation into their structures. Additionally, quality criteria were developed to make successful diversity orientation visible.
“Diversity-oriented” in this context means recognizing that our society is diverse and should remain diverse. For governmental and civil society institutions, societal diversity often presents a challenge. RAA Berlin has developed various forms of process-oriented consulting as well as training concepts. Participating organizations have the opportunity to critically examine their actions and attitudes and receive support in the further development of their practices. The process aims to professionalize organizations by enhancing their effectiveness in reaching target groups and promoting equal opportunities.
The goal of this approach is to support municipal administrations, kindergartens, schools, youth centers, and other governmental and civil society institutions across Germany in critically examining and further developing their internal and external practices to be more inclusive and diversity-oriented. (RAA Berlin)
Our Recommendation
Diversity orientation is a complex and time-consuming process for organizations. This publication succinctly outlines how this process can be successfully managed. With its clear structure of principles and quality criteria, it provides a valuable starting point for implementing diversity orientation within your organization.