KZ-Gedenkstätte Neuengamme

The KZ Gedenkstätte Neuengamme (English Translation: Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial Site) sees itself as a place of learning of international significance. Here people can deal with questions of history and the present in a variety of ways. The memorial aims to work in a reflective manner, to promote a critical awareness of history and to relate the teaching of the history of National Socialism to current issues.

“40 years ago, on 18 October 1981, the “Neuengamme Document House” was opened on the edge of the former Neuengamme Concentration Camp site, which was still a prison site at the time. The Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial was initially assigned to the Museum of Hamburg History as a branch. For the first time, visitors were able to find out about the history of the camp in an exhibition on site; survivors were given a contact point; a lively research, mediation and networking activity began.”


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